Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Hunting Trip

I know some of you girls are gonna think this is sick but I've been raised doing this and I love it. I went hunting today with Dan and my mom. My brother dropped my mom and I off at a coulee, which is like a little valley with a stream going through it and a bunch of brush, for us to sit on the side of the ridge while he "pushed bush" for us, which means he makes the deer move toward us. We sat there for about 15 - 20 minutes before a bunch of mule deer came grazing about 100 yrds away. I let mom go first cuz this would be my first deer and I was having a hard time with positioning. So she took a shot and got the first one on the ground. We cleaned it up and got it in the truck and decided we would go again because there was another herd coming through the coulee and I still needed to fill my tag. Dan and I dropped mom off this time to push the deer towards us and then we went right into the coulee to wait for them. Almost as soon as we got into the coulee we saw the deer coming but they were running away from us. All of the sudden they stopped, turned and started running right towards Dan and I in the middle of the brush. I couldn't stand up because they would see me so I just sat on my knees until they got about 25 yrds away. Then they stopped and looked in the opposite direction of where I was kneeling so I took advantage of this and got a doe in my sights and I took her down with a headshot. She didn't even go anywhere she just dropped. Believe me, I was pretty excited and it took a minute for it to sink in that I got one. lol Here is the picture to prove it.


Jessica deLeeuw said...

Oh my word Chaperita!!! That's disgusting!!! lol... soo yuck!! Congrats on your first deer.... i guess!!! ;0)

Mellie B. said...

cangrats?! umm no thanks lol...bambie is somewhere off crying because you shot her mom lolol love you

Anonymous said... first thought in mind was Poor Bambi's mom...looks like you mighta got Bambi's sister!! The rule im my house is if your gonna catch it ya gotta eat it so.....enjoy!! And congrats! Yikes!
One day you might be having a pic or post with Siah and Becca beside you doing the same thing! Yuck but the rule still stands in my house! LOL! But ill haev to send him over to your house to cook and eat!!LOL!

Anonymous said...

Boy Disney would love all the publicity on this one - all I could think of was OMW- she killed Bambi. Your Grampa would be proud. You didn't really gut it too did you???? eeeee. yuk puk puk.

I read your blog - don't comment to much on anyone's blog - but I enjoy reading

Don't ever forget - you serve a big God who knows all your thoughts, ways, and dreams and he is making you perfect in His Image.
We love you lots
Auntie Helen

Katrina Holmes (Tina) said...

A regular Annie Oakley! Congrats to you Mandy if you like that sort of thing!

Pauly-Bee-PO-Pal said...

EVIL!!! EVIL!!!!! ='(
jk i love you!!!

Mary Frances said...

Awww thats cool!! Cute pics!!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is incredibly mean.

cheparita said...

Well 'Anonymous', that makes one less person I have to take out hunting again this saturday. muahahahaha. Oh and just so you know, we don't go shooting just for the heck of it. We actually eat the meat. It's very good. You should try it sometime. :)

Amanda said...

Wow, that must of been really exciting!!! I have never been hunting, nor do I want to, but for you that must of been one of the greatest thrills. And deer meat is really yummy, so your family is going to have some yummy food to eat!!!

Mellie B. said...