Sunday, October 12, 2008

Man! Time sure flys! looks like it has been a year since I've posted anything. Sorry folks. lol. Anyways, lots has happened around here. I had an awesome summer for one. Probably the best summer I've ever had. I met a guy named Case at the beginning of June and he hit it off with my family from day one and we hung out all summer. We had a blast. Anyways, that filled up my summer pretty good along with work and just regular everyday life. Almost everynight that we hung out with Case, we didn't get to bed till about 3 or 4 in the morning. I don't know how I survived but here I am. And I definately don't regret one minute of it.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and my favorite time of year. I love fall and wearing sweaters, drinking coffee and walking through the crunching leaves in the cool crisp fresh air. MMMMMM...I love it!! So tomorrow, we are having a thanksgiving dinner here at our house with some family for company. I think it will be fun. My sister in law, Coco and I are gonna do some baking I think. I can't wait! Well...that's it for now. I'll try to post some more soon. See ya!


Mellie B. said...

Hey sweety glad to see you bloggin!!! I had a super thanksgiving dinner today at my house, we had all the crew it was a blast but im exausted. I will post some pics tomorow. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours. Love you TONS!!

cheparita said...

Hey thanks for commenting. Yeah we had fun here too but I didn't take any pictures. Anyways, Happy thanksgiving and I love you too, TONS and TONS!