Monday, July 16, 2007

Feeling Inferior

Isn't it true that we can only feel inferior if we let ourselves feel that way. Why is it the that we let other people dictate the way we feel about ourselves? Imagine the potential we could live up to if we didn't really care what others thought about us or how we ran our life. I really admire the people that go through life not caring if people like them or not and live their life accordingly. Personally, I think for some unknown reason we care too much therefore we always live trying to please others...not that there is a problem with pleasing others, because I think we should strive to do just that, but not to the extent that we are scared to step out of our box and comfort zone for fear of people talking about us or thinking of us a certain way. I dunno...that's just my 2 cents worth I guess.


Jessica deLeeuw said...
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Allie_Marie said...

I was so very happy to see you had posted again. Love you and keep blogging.


Matt D said...

Hmmm... I don't believe that was a very nice comment... either way I'm confused.

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Ok, here’s nicer terminology. I guess some people are confident, some are people pleasers, and some are self pleasers. A lot of times it's not that you are uncomfortable; it’s just not worth feeling like you are non-existent. The easy way to deal with people like this is STAY AWAY... do your own thing.. Well… you are who you hang around right? That’s my 5 cents! :0) Good post!

Jessica deLeeuw said...
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Matt D said...

Oh my... even more confused!

Matt D said...
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Jessica deLeeuw said...

lol.. uh oh a comment was removed. Mat..People tend to feel inferior because other people are self pleasers and not too worried about how they treat others or how they make people feel inferior. Some people are such people pleasers that they really get caught up in how others think and then that's when the inferior sneaks up behind them. That's why the confident people seem to be right in the middle because they don't try to please others or themselves... but they are just confident in themselves and their attitude and spirit is very flowing not offending anyone.

That sounds even more confusing... :0)

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Hey Mandy, are you going to the Impact thingy on Friday night? Golfing and then somewhere else.. sounds like awsome fun!!

cheparita said...

I'm not sure yet. I'm kinda tight for money. Are you goin?