Friday, May 18, 2007

Quote of the Day

Reasonable people endure; passionate people live.

-Chinese Proverb-


Allie_Marie said...

Mandy welcome to the world of blogging. Just so you know, I am addicted. You might not have the same problem, so pray that you do not get it.

Love Alicia

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Hey Cheparita!!! There will be regular readers that enjoy reading your blog, so keep it up to date.

Love ya! Thanks for putting up with me... I know sometimes it requires patience... thank you!

Allie_Marie said...

Mandy, you are already behind 5 days, I am waiting for the great words and eloquent speech from my honest, simple and intelligent friend...

Love Alicia

cheparita said...

Yeah I know and it's not going to get any better until I'm back from camping. lol. Oh well.

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Hey Cheparita.. Post some camping pics.