Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Wise people don't just wait for the right opportunity. They create the right opportunity."

Writer Unknown

Remembering Danny Brown

It has been a year May 31 that Danny, a very good friend of mine, has been gone. He died from a disease called muscular dystrophy. I miss him very much and it's hard to think that it has been a year already. I miss his calls that were sometimes 3 times a day. He had a great sense of humor and was very honest. I guess the old saying comes in here 'You don't know what you have till it's gone.' We had an awesome relationship. One thing that I loved about Danny was that he never complained about his situation or the fact that he was in a wheelchair. He had a great attitude. He loved to race that wheelchair around the mall, especially if he was mad at you. He was also a great listener. Danny wished that him and I could have been more than friends but he would still patiently listen to me when I was having boy trouble and he would try to give me advise. I can't even imagine what it feels like for his parents and best friends to have him gone because I know what I go through and I sometimes have a hard time trying to deal with it.
The first time we met was at a church meeting in Burley, ID when I was 16. He asked me for a piece of gum. After that we were friends. He was very good for my self-esteem. He used to always tell that I was cute and that I was the cutest girl he knew. I knew he was wrong but it felt good just the same. He also used to sing me a song called ' Paint Me a Birmingham' all the time. He sang to me a lot come to think of it. Although I know that he is in a way better place, I still hurt when I think about him and I miss him very much. I will never forget him.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Quote of the Day

Reasonable people endure; passionate people live.

-Chinese Proverb-

First Blog

Hey Guys! This is my first time blogging so bare with me. I'm just figuring everything out. My goal for this blog is to give people something fun, interesting and uplifting to read. If anyone feels like posting comments on here at any time please feel free. I would love to read what other people have to say. I will try to update this site soon.