Wednesday, September 1, 2010


How did more than a year pass since I have last posted?! I suppose I have been keeping myself really busy this last little while....juggling work, church, the gym and a personal life. Seems like life has been a real roller coaster ride lately.

I just got back from a week of camping as well. So much fun!! I'm pretty sure I could live beside a camp fire and drink camp fire coffee all the time. lol You can see in the picture we were camped right beside the Red Deer River and it was so quiet and peaceful as we had the whole campground to ourselves. It made me realize that I don't like working in an office and answering to people. I wanna be my own boss and be able to do what I want and come and go as I wish...if only we lived in a perfect world. :-) Well enough of my ramblings, Cheerio! I better be..shoveling off.